Friday, January 14, 2011

The Punisher Vol. 1 - Dark Reign

So now that I've finished my Luna Brothers marathon, I thought I'd venture into something with tights. I really want to get to Franken Castle, so I'm reading the newest volume of The Punisher that was launched during Dark Reign. I'm not a huge Punisher fan, but now and then he tends to have stories that I like. The last volume, the one that was launched during Civil War, I liked a lot. My problem is with the character, a lot of times he can be kind of overly violent, so when  you're doing a kind of gritty "darker" version of the character there's nothing to relate to, it's just mindless killing. The Punisher I like is when he's so hyperviolent that the stories come off as comical, because then relating isn't as important, because you're in it for the fun. I have to say that I'm enjoying this series so far, because it hits this mark right on.

Basically Punisher usually just chases the D-lister villains who need to get a bullet between the eyes because they're wasting space in some bigger character's rogues gallery. I feel like he's one of those characters Marvel keeps around to get rid of loose ends of villains that don't quite gain notoriety. So the guys he's killing are usually pretty fucking lame, well during the Dark Reign of Norman Osborn he says, well who the fuck do I kill when everyone's a bad guy... the answer is everyone! He decides it's time for him to go after some real baddies. Not like Stilt Man, and Jack-o-Lantern, and lame ass characters like this, no he's going after the top dog and all of his cronies. But he's got to be smart about it. The volume starts with him saying you can't just walk up to a guy like that, you've got to do it right. So he starts taking out his and The Hood's operations one by one, and doing it in a rather flashy sort of way. I really liked this whole volume a lot. Something about the Punisher not being able to just walk up to some douchebag and shoot him, really is entertaining for me. It's almost like what if the Punisher were forced to think like Batman. I mean there are full scenes where he's running away from goons armed just as much as he is, or even full on squads of super Villains with powers and shit. And he just waits and bides his time until he can get the kill shot it. There's one scene where his side-kick guy tells Frank that there's going to be a lot of baddies towards the end of the book, and the next panel is Frank loaded up with miscellaneous pieces of other superheros gear, including an Ant-man helmet, what looks like a bunch of Hawkeye's arrows, and maybe one of Iron Man's gauntlets. This is the Punisher I Love! I don't want to ruin how that stuff comes into play, but it is an awesome pay off, and everyone who doubts me on whether or not shrinking is an awesome power will eat their words!

Also the art was really good from start to finish. I can't even point out what I liked about it, but the style was really nice, and I've never even heard of this artist before. This book has me wanting to go out and read more stuff from Rick Remender pretty much right away. The only thing is that the finale of the volume which is supposed to be a kind of cliff hanger/ teaser, and I could kind of care less about it... I'm going to keep reading because i liked the first volume so much, but I'll explain why I'm not as excited for two in my review, who knows maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised again! If you want to check this out for yourself you can Search for punisher vol. 1, or just click the box below!

Thanks For reading!

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