Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Girls Vol. 4 - Extinction

The conclusion of a series that has recently been added to my personal list of favorite comics. Obviously in this volume the characters are dealing with being kicked out of their main base of operations for the series thus far, and the ramifications of all the fucked up stuff they did in the last volume, and trying to bring this situation to a close.

Now in the last volume there were certain characters I fucking hated... like if I had been in this series, I almost certainly would have committed murder, or at the very least been killed for going off on my own. In this volume everything's not so black and white. Now while I wanted to hate the women all throughout this book, because they were all so fucked up to all the men, this is the volume where you get to see these ladies worst fears imagined. Now a lot of crazy shit still goes down, but it's hard to see whose side you're on because they're both very valid. See, the ladies are fucking crazy. They say the men are the problem, and in doing so it drives the men to be just as fucked up. So it turns into a self fulfilling prophecy on these ladies parts, but the guys are still fucked up for letting them be right! All it takes is a little willpower, some self esteem, and a damned conscience, and you're in the clear. But apparently no character in this book has all those things. And that's why I love it so much! All of these characters are humans. Because who knows, I could turn into any one of these characters that I hated and criticized throughout the book as soon as some shit like this goes down. So you'll hate one for a long time, and then right at the end of the book, you'll say "now i see, it all fits together, and I hate you significantly less." And in that respect this book is very similar to LOST. Now I know there are mixed feelings about that show, but it's not a show about answers, it's a show about characters. So if you want to know what the Black Smoke is, or these murderous girls in the case of this book, you're kind of SOL, but if you want to know what makes each of these characters tick, then you're certainly in luck.

The last volume set the bar pretty high for messed up shit that goes down, as far as the characters are concerned, and while this book doesn't raise that bar, it does skirt over it. And by that I mean that there is still quite a bit of depravity, it just doesn't get much worse. Which is a good thing, because I don't think I could stomach too much more from this book. I will say there was one sub-plot/mini sequence where the women survivors were hunting down the men to stop them from reproducing with the girls. Now that's not a huge deal, but the writers found a different way for each of the men to be hanging out with the killer girls... this felt a little forced to me, and I don't think every character needed to be, especially since the pay off is only shown for one or two of those characters. Also the main character Ethan starts to lose his shit a little bit. He starts having these weird dreams/hallucinations/visions, and it's good about making you not sure what's real and not until the end.

That being said I wasn't totally in love with the overall ending. It basically wraps things up all in one issue, and it felt as though it may have been done a bit too quickly, and overall this crazy event had no repercussions on the world as a whole, just a few of these characters in it... I didn't hate it, just didn't love it either. Maybe if they had a few more issues, or even just one more epilogue issue, I would have been alright. But for a series that had me dying to know what was next, the resolution was a tad bit lack luster...

Overall a fantastic series, and I highly recommend every volume. Go check it out, I've never read another story like it, and I can't remember a more original survival story! You can Search Amazon.com for Girls Vol. 4 Extinction, or you can just click the box below and purchase it for yourself!

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