Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Sword Vol. 2 - Water Review

Alright, so like before if you haven't read either this or volume 1, you may want be weary of spoilers. It's kind of hard to review a series without giving away a few of the earlier bits. So the last book ended in a decision for Dara to murder her attackers. This seems like the obvious choice, and really isn't that big of a spoiler, but then again her dad did leave them alive for millennia... I'm still hoping they get around to answering that question, because one thing there isn't a whole hell of a lot of in this volume is answers. 

This book is so straight forward, that if you can't follow what's going on here you might need to give up comics, or reading in general. This is six issues of her hunting down this guy Zakros and trying to kill him. They do not deviate from this at all, and that is literally all there is here. There's an awkward scene pretty early on where they get a ride from these people who recognize Dara from the news, and freak out. She then saves them from some attacking Pirates. Now not only is that awfully silly to begin with, but as soon as she's done leaving three more people for dead in the ocean, these people are all of a sudden totally back on her side. It's not too ridiculous, but since this is one fraction of one issue that this scene occurs, it just feels a little rushed and awkward... 

Then they spend some time wandering around this island that Justin led them to because he remembered Dara's dad bring it up in class one time. So I don't want to ruin exactly how it goes down, but there's a pretty sweet scene involving water manipulation and a bathroom. Basically Zakros can manipulate water and all it's forms, so he takes all the water out of all of the plumbing in the bathroom, which is kind of gross, and then freezes it locking them in a room together. And proceeds to beat the piss out of this girl while her friends decide whether or not to rescue her. And while this is a cool scene, i'm starting to doubt the competence of her companions. I get that they're on the run, so they don't really have shit else to do, but they're following this girl around on a vengeance trip. She just heads down to some island in the bahamas on a whim, and then when she gets captured due to her own stupidity, they actually have to sit around and debate whether to run for the fucking hills, or to pick up the super powerful sword and lend a damned hand.

Then there's a pretty cool chance scene that leads up to the end battle. I don't want to ruin it, but the tides get turned pretty quickly, pun intended, and Zakros really is allowed to unleash god's wrath on this girl. Again, i don't want to spoil it, but the combat is easily the best part of this book. And i almost feel like they sat around thinking up these really creative combat scenes and then tied them together with this weak ass story. That being said the last issue or two of this book really makes it worth it, because those scenes are so fucking cool. This would easily be a better movie, or TV show or something than a comic. The actors could convey the kind of emotion i'm just not getting from the book, and these scenes, that while awesome as shit on the page, would be absolutely epic on screen. 

And like i said that's about it. There really isn't a whole lot here. I do have to say that if you read the first six issues and you don't really dig it, at least give it this volume too, because i'm almost positive that the first volume was setup for these cool boss fights. They got the backstory out of the way, and for this whole volume it's barely there, and when it is it's laced very well with the story and action so it's almost not noticeable. This is easily the Luna Brother's weakest book yet, but i'm still enjoying it quite a bit. If you like what you see you can Search for The Sword Vol. 2 Water, or you can click the box below. 

Thanks for reading!

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