Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Acme Comics - Longwood, FL

My son and I, yes that's him in the photo, just started visiting this store recently. It is definitely the farthest i drive to visit a comic shop regularly, but it's well worth it. Acme is an awesome comic shop with super friendly staff. Every time I've been they always greet me, and i usually get some pretty sweet conversation too. As you walk in there's one long counter on your right with all kind of cool shit underneath and hanging on the back wall. In the back right corner there's all the new comics and trades, with older collectibles hanging on the walls. In the middle of the store is a large collection of long boxes that houses the bulk of their back issues that are alphabetically ordered. Then the back left half of the store is a huge toy section. Throughout the store there are life size statues of characters including, Silver Surfer, Batman, and Spider-man, which is not only really awesome, it totally adds atmosphere to the shop. Then throughout if you happen to look up, certain ceiling tiles are replaced with full size drawings that are cool to go around and look at, but could honestly probably be placed in a slightly better location so as not to break one's neck every time you'd like to appreciate the art. A for effort though.

Their selection on comics is really good, I've never not found what i was looking for, and i have been pleasantly surprised at the selection of indie books that i either love and don't see often enough, or haven't read and would like to give a chance. and their collection of back issues is impressive to say the least. I've been several times with friends looking for obscure issues of popular, and not so much, series and found pretty much what they were looking for, if not spot on. My only gripe here is that the back issues are separated into two groups, popular and not... and I don't really see why. Because if you wanted to separate them by company that'd be one thing, but there are certain books that i don't know where to look for and have to ask. Is Savage dragon an indie book? Spawn? What about books like Walking dead that have more fans than they know what to do with? Or how about smaller Marvel titles like Captain Britain and the MI13, is that an indie book since no one bought it? That kind of organization style has never made sense to me. Why do small books instantly not become indie just because they have a Marvel or DC logo, and "indie" books remain so even when they have ridiculous amounts of readers...? Probably not the shops fault, but still.

Now i would be remiss if i didn't mention that, Acme,hands down, has the best collection of Statues, Busts, Toys, and Action figures I've ever seen. Now whether that interests you or not it's at least something you should check out once. There are several aisles on one side of the store dedicated to just toys, and they're separated by saying one aisle is star wars toys, the next is Marvel toys, etc. It's so cool, and i dare anyone to browse for more than a couple minutes and play "You Nostalgia, you lose!" Then there are walk in cases in the back, kind of like a humidor or something, for the more rare and expensive busts, statues and toys. It's so cool, being someone who's always been, and always will be, a huge toy nerd seeing shit i grew up on, and would spend quite a bit of cash if/when i get the chance.

The staff is super cool and laid back. Every time I've gone I've enjoyed their company, and wished i could stay longer. There's nothing like meeting someone who you've never had a conversation with before, and realizing that not only do they have all the same interests, but they are dying to sit and chat you up about them. I will say that the last time i went they didn't have as much time to hang out, but it was a Saturday and there were quite few people there and they are a business. I have seen shops handle a bigger crowd better, but not many. The first time i went i was browsing in the toy section with my almost two year old son. One of the guys asks me how I'm doing and i say, with a grin, something along the lines of "not too bad, trying to stop my son from fucking up all you guys stuff". He says that he'd appreciate it with a laugh. He asks if it's our first time to their shop, and when i say so he welcome me and asks where I'm from. I mention that it's a smaller town about an hour or so away and he mentions that that's kind of a far ways to drive. He then says "you know what that means don't you? Since you've got to drive all the way here, you should just open up a shop of your own." i say "yeah, but then i wouldn't buy comics from you charming people anymore" and you know what he says? "it would be worth it. One more comic shop in the world, and I'd take that as a trade. Hell i might even come and visit." I feel bad for not catching this guy's name, but how awesome is that? That's the kind of shit that will keep people coming back to your store and wanting to hang out. Acme is definitely in my top five favorite shops I've ever been to, and i don't see that changing any time soon.

If you want to check this shop out for yourself, which you totally should, you here's a handy map to get you there:

View Larger Map

Thanks for reading

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