Thursday, August 26, 2010

Ultra - Seven Days Review

Alright, so I've been wanting to read some stuff written by the Luna Brothers for years, and just haven't gotten around to it until now. When I Originally saw this book, the cover is kind of somber and dark, and it's called "Seven Days" and I thought the premise was "What if this super woman only had seven days left to live" upon reading it I discovered that it's actually about her having seven days to find true love. Being a guy, I kind of felt like I'd been duped. I mean it literally starts with these three chicks, that you don't find out are superheroes until a ways into the book, that are kind of smashed that go to see a fortune teller. But once I got passed the idea that I was reading a comic book version of a romantic comedy, and not really that original of one either, I kind of started to dig it. So basically the main character, Ultra, is being coerced by her to friends to go and try to find her true love once they receive their fortunes. I don't really want to spoil how it all plays out, but it does tend to take a few twists and turns that if your girlfriend sat you down and made you watch this as a film, you'd call that shit right out, and then look like a jackass for being wrong. This is done really well, and it keeps you on your toes as to where the plot goes. 

One of my favorite aspects of this comic though, is the actual superhero parts. Basically in this big Metropolis style city, named Spring City, there are these talent agencies basically. One for superheroes, and one for heroines. And these talent agencies work directly for the police. So basically every super hero works as a police officer, and has on duty times, and off duty times, where they can be called to deal with certain situations, or if there's a big deal going on they might form a task force. It's a really streamlined way to handle the situation of what happens when super heroes sleep, when do they sleep, when are they off duty, are they saving people 24/7? all those things are handled with one system, and the best part is, is all of those things are told well, and used in the dialogue. So it's not just exposition at any point where they're saying "this works this way, and this works this way," it's all woven very well. My only beef with this is there is one scene later on in the book, and this is kind of venturing into spoilers, but all of these superheroes are in one spot for an awards show. While I did really like this scene, i don't see why every criminal and super criminal in the city isn't staging the biggest heist ever during that fucking awards show, because they're all busy getting gussied up and then accepting awards and shit. It didn't bug me that bad, but it did make me grin thinking about it. 

Now I'm going to go into full blown spoiler mode for a second, but this story is about her finding her true love. And it doesn't pan out the way it looks like at first. Then in around part six or seven, of eight, there's a sub plot where one of the main character's friends tells her she's gay and in love with her. Now maybe this is just me, but I loved this idea and I wanted them to run with it so bad. I guess it's just the idea of this super powered, cute lesbian couple flying around the city holding hands and whooping ass together, but whatever it was in my brain that clicked, that was the story I really wanted to read at that point, and it gets kind of dropped for something a little more sappy. While I didn't hate where they went with it, I'd be lying if I said I didn't prefer the way it could have gone. 

This is a great book if you want to read a romantic comedy with super hero action mixed in. It's a very "Sex and the City" look at Super Heroines and their interactions with each other. If that sounds cool, then definitely check this out! If not... stay away, because that's what most of the book is. The dialogue is great, but the action is few and far between. I personally liked it quite a bit, and didn't have a problem with it at all. If you like what you see you can Search for Ultra - Seven Days, or you can click on the box below. 

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