Friday, May 28, 2010

Mission Statement.

Alright, so the idea here is to take all of the comic shops that I go to, or have even ever been to, and pit them against each other. I've been reading comics for a little over four years now, and in that time i've been a "regular" at many shops, some that i've liked and some i did not. It's always hard to go into a store that you've never been in before and take their word at face value, and i would be remiss if i said i had always been pleasantly surprised about these shops and their services. My experience as a whole has been awesome, and that's part of the reason I read, is because of the Subculture that is involved with it. So most of the time you learn where to go and where not to, but there are so many variables...

My ultimate goal is to visit every comic book store in the country! It's not an immediate goal or anything, but i mean why not add it to a bucket list? There are so many great places to be seen, and people to meet, i'd just like to take a glimpse at all of them! So i'm starting here. I'm going to start in my hometown of Orlando Florida, and work my way out. I'll try to do the reviews as often as possible, and eventually i'd like to be able to rank them in an ongoing matter. Meaning that as i go to a shop, it would get placed somewhere in the countdown, but we'll see. This is something i've wanted to work on for quite some time, so i suppose there's no time like the present!

Also, if you don't agree with something I say here, don't worry, the world will go on. My word is by no means absolute. There are all kinds of variables that I can't account for. You may be the kind of person who goes to shops like these to hang out with the owners and other patrons, and shopping is a close second, or maybe you want to go and browse as long as you want, while the employees wait patiently to answer your questions and don't interrupt your shopping experience... Most of the time I'm a little of both. But I could totally dislike a store for one reason, and you could absolutely love it for the exact same one! That's the beauty of the thing. I'm going to try to be objective, but obviously my opinions come into play. Hell, if you don't like what I, or even if you do, let me know in the comments, maybe you'll bring to light something I forgot! Wish me Luck?!